3D Printing in Nigeria

3D printing proves a revolution for manufacturing in Nigeria

It’s Monday morning and engineer Akinwole Akinpelu is seated in front of his computer screen as he prepares a 3D model that has been designed for manufacturing.

“Once the file is prepared, I’ll send it to the machine and the manufacturing starts,” Akinpelu tells RFI’s Africa Calling podcast.

3D printing, a technology forecast to change the world, mimics regular paper printing where a computer-aided design is sent to a printer for direct manufacture.

In the west, large manufacturing companies are already deploying 3D printing into design work flows. But how is 3D printing shaping out in Nigeria?

From his workshop in Lagos, Akinpelu runs Stampar3D, an agency that he says aims to bring the emerging and exciting world of 3D printing to the Nigerian market…

Additive Manufacturing: Enabling Faster Industrial Growth in Africa

Additive manufacturing, often referred to as 3D printing, is an advanced manufacturing technology that is slowly but surely changing industrial production globally. While its adoption has gained significant traction in regions like Europe, America and Asia, Africa has only recently begun to recognize additive manufacturing’s value as a catalyst for economic development. The rise of additive manufacturing in Africa presents both opportunities and challenges that need to be addressed to unlock its full potential.

Additive manufacturing in Africa remains in its nascent stages, with limited adoption and infrastructure compared to more developed regions. According to a report in Manufacturing Review, between 2010 and 2018, 37% of industrial additive manufacturing systems were installed in…

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14Trees launches Iroko 3D printer for construction made in Africa

14 Trees, a joint venture (JV) between construction materials company Holcim and UK governmental development finance institution British International Investment (BII), has launched its new construction-ready three-dimensional (3D) printer, Iroko, to improve construction speed, cost and flexibility, while scaling up digital automation to build resilient and affordable housing, education infrastructure and commercial real estate worldwide.

The Iroko 3D construction printers were co-designed and manufactured with construction equipment company PMSA. The printers’ mobility and optimised assembly are key tenets of the design by 14Trees, it…

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There Is Greater Potential For 3D Printing In Africa

Bradley Pulford, VP and MD of HP Africa, outlines how digital manufacturing and 3D printing can support African economies. He also gives his predictions on the development of the digital manufacturing sector in 2021.

Africa started to deploy 3D printing over a decade ago and today there is even bigger potential for additive manufacturing on the continent. The rise in 3D printing also means that there is greater demand for customisation, meaning that manufacturers will need to…

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CRPM – Building Additive Manufacturing ecosystems in Botswana

The Central University’s Centre for Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing (CRPM), once more managed to break more ground in their attempt to transfer Additive Manufacturing (also known as 3D printing) knowledge and skills, to industry and the community.

Through the Southern African Innovation Support (SAIS) initiative, funded from Finland through its Project Management office in Windhoek, Namibia a successful bid was made under the SAIS2 programme, to establish an Additive Manufacturing (AM) Ecosystem in Botswana, in collaboration with the University of Botswana (UB) and the Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI)…

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